Contact Us

Phone/Text: (707) 502-2890 


Queer Humboldt

P.O. Box 45

Arcata, CA 95518

 To join our mailing list click here.

 Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!


Volunteer opportunities are available to a range of community members! We welcome individuals, families, couples, companies, queer folks, students, and allies. 

Our volunteer opportunities include:

Event Volunteer: Hands-on support for scheduled activities & community event ie. Pride, Trans Month

Group Facilitators: Facilitate and/or support one time or ongoing groups/classes

In office Support: Data Entry, Office-Special Administration, Mailings

Professional Skill: i.e. photographers, writers (newsletter support), educators, lawyers, graphic designers etc.

Step 1- Fill out a volunteer application  

Step 2- Attend volunteer training and begin to make a difference!

Sign up for a quarterly training session with Queer Humboldt staff. When a training session is scheduled all people who have applied to volunteer will be notified. 

Questions? Please contact