Community Education

Marsha P Johnson, on the left, wearing a yellow dress, smiling, with pink flowers in her hair with her arm around a long haired woman in a black jumpsuit and long hair walking down the street in New York City

If you are interested in having us present, submit a request at this link:

Training Presentation Request

Or send an email of inquiry to

Check out our new classroom and office posters! 

We request a $5 donation per poster but turn no one away for lack of funds. 

Email us at to make an order. Payment can be sent via Venmo, Paypal or check.

Examples of trainings we offer include:

Youth Related Trainings

SO/GI/E Training for Schools -- this foundational TK-12th grade training for any/all staff populations (classified, credentialed and/or administration) covers Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity/Expression (SO/GI/E) vocabulary, key concepts, pronouns, California curricular requirements, student record name/gender changes, and our roles/responsibilities as schools. Participants will learn about laws and policies impacting schools and gain practical tools for creating inclusive school environments within the context of California Education Code, and the National/State socio-political climate.*

The FAIR Act: LGBT Inclusion in Social Studies -- a TK-8th grade teacher training covers strategies for including the contributions of queer people in history/social studies* and across content areas.*

Gender Diversity in Practice-- participants work in small groups to explore how to best respond to a range of scenarios that happen in the school setting, relating to gender transition and gender diverse students, staff and families. Schools are encouraged to complete Queer 101 before taking this training.*  

2S/LGBTQ+ Safe Schools-- participants will learn about laws and policies impacting schools and gain practical tools for creating inclusive school environments within the context of California Education Code, and the national/state socio-political climate. Resources and tools for creating inclusive school environments will be shared.*

How to Support a Gender Expansive Youth: Parents/Guardians Edition-- Groups of parents and/or schools with Rainbow Task Forces are invited to inquire about a special training, supporting parents/guardians in understanding best practices for supporting youth who are trans, non-binary, genderqueer, gender expansive, and/or questioning their genders.*

*all trainings include Q&A and are catered to the individual needs of the group 

Community, Business, & Nonprofit Trainings

Gender 101 -- learning the basics of gender diversity, pronoun use and what to do when you make a mistake.

Exploring the Gender Galaxy -- a combination of gender diversity education and personal reflection, this training builds understanding of gender diversity, how gender impacts us, and supports individuals in deepening their understanding of their own gender through engaging in a journey of self exploration. 

Trans and Non-Binary Informed Therapy -- This training is for therapists looking to build competency in working with people who identify as trans or non-binary, gender expansive youth and/or people questioning their genders. The training will include information on key concepts and vocabulary, pronoun usage, the cornerstones of gender affirming care, the role of grief and trauma in gender transitions, letter writing for surgery referrals, coordinating care with medical providers, and more. 

Therapist Consultations-- Individual and small group consultations are available for local therapists interested in expanding their capacity for supporting trans/non-binary community members seeking mental health support. 

Forms Consultations-- if your business, school or organization has registration forms, intake forms or any other document that students, employees, patients or the public fill out, it can be helpful to give those forms a proof read with an eye for inclusion. We are happy to help you incorporate best practice strategies for acquiring names, genders, etc. to create welcoming and inclusive forms that get the info you need while also building a culture where everyone belongs. 

2S/LGBTQIA+ Organizational Alignment Program-- This is a 6 month to two year program (depending on the organizations needs and capacity) for transforming an organization's culture and organizational systems towards positive inclusion practices. Queer Humboldt facilitates a monthly working group, where designated staff liaisons grow in their capacity for internal leadership around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as it relates to queer members of the organizational community (clients/patients, staff, interns, students, admin, etc.). Queer Humboldt provides resources and supports, leads trainings, consults and contributes to interventions as matters arise, and collaborates on projects to empower staff and administrators in bringing about positive change within their organization's systems. Each organization starts at a different place, and has different tools and contexts for this work, so the program is customized to fit the individual goals, priorities and culture of the organization being supported

Additional School Based Supports:

Rainbow Task Force (RTF) -- One time trainings can be helpful, but often are not enough to result in lasting systemic improvements. An RTF is a group of staff who meet once a month to address the ongoing, specific needs of a school or district. This professional learning community creates systemic change through a continuous growth model (assessing local needs/priorities, setting goals, making a plan, implementing the plan, monitoring progress/assessing impact, adapting the plan and reassessing next steps towards building inclusive, welcoming school communities). Queer Humboldt facilitates these monthly groups, providing resources and background support as needed. The work is driven by the specific priorities of your unique community and the group is designed to foster internal leadership, supporting the professional development of caring educators who are passionate about 2-Spirit and LGBTQ topics in schools. 

Gender Support Plan (GSP) Meeting Facilitation -- The GSP template is available for free at and is a helpful resources for schools supporting trans and nonbinary youth. When a student comes out as transgender/non-binary, or is new to a school, there are many trans related details to consider, such as which bathrooms/locker rooms will be used, what name will show up on school documents, what pronouns will be used, what the supports are in place if there is an experience of transphobia, etc. A Gender Support Plan is a written document that is created collaboratively, using a student centered approach, building personal agency and preventatively addressing likely scenarios before problems occur.  A facilitator from Queer Humboldt can facilitate a GSP meeting, or can train a staff member to facilitate such a meeting. GSPs are very user friendly, but having a professional facilitator can help, especially for schools that are new to using this resource. 

Family Education Events -- Guardian/Parent education can be a key aspect to improving the quality of life for trans and nonbinary youth. Districts with a Queer Humboldt Rainbow Task Force are invited to inquire about outfacing educational events, such as an Exploring the Gender Galaxy workshop for Families and How to Support a Gender Expansive Youth: Parents/Guardians Edition. 

School Consultations -- Trained Queer Humboldt staff are available to meet with school admin and staff to offer consultation support services by appointment.   

2S/LGBTQIA+ Safe Schools Now Program -- Queer Humboldt partners with 2 schools/districts per year for participation in this program. If you are interested, email to learn more. The specifics of the program vary based on the unique school/district strengths and needs, using a combination of the above described programs and more (instructional coaching, ongoing PD series, leadership development...). This program is designed to develop internal leadership who can continue the ongoing work of continuous improvement after Queer Humboldt leaves. Each educational entity starts at a different place, so the work is customized to fit the individual goals, priorities and culture of the school/district. 

Online Videos for 

Professional Development 

and 2S/LGBTQIA+ Learning

Queer Humboldt hosted national speaker Erin Reed on the state of trans rights in the USA in May, 2024. Watch the video below:

Queer Humboldt Board President and Two-Feather's Mental Health clinician, Tai Parker, facilitates a presentation on Queering the Future of Education. Session includes a keynote address by California Teacher of the Year, Nora Wynne, a panel of local queer educators, and a panel of queer college students. 

This recording of Two-Spirit Teachings, with Harlan Pruden and the Two-Spirit Dry Lab, was filmed in Bayside in October 2022. Produced by Queer Humboldt and Two-Feathers NAFS, and filmed by Access Humboldt, the presentation explores the question of What and Who is Two-Spirit.